Folliculitis is a common skin condition caused by an infected or inflamed hair follicle. There are many types of folliculitis, each one unique based on the cause, the infectious organism and it’s impact on the skin. Folliculitis can occur anywhere on the skin that has hair.
Initially it appears as small red bumps or white headed pimples around hair follicles which may spread and turn into non healing, crusty sores . Permanent hair loss and scarring may result due to severe infection. Folliculitis is manageable and recurrence is common.
Symptoms of folliculitis
- Rash with small bumps
- Tenderness or pain
- Itching
- Pustules
- Burning sensation
- Thick crusts
Causes of folliculitis
Some of the factors that turns the hair follicles vulnerable to microbial growth and increase the risk of folliculitis are:
- Poor hygiene
- Repeated friction caused by wearing tight clothing, helmets, shaving, scratching or rubbing.
- Overweight or obesity
- History of Diabetes
- Over exposure to heat and prolonged sweating.
- Hot tub or sauna that is not properly cleaned.
According to Ayurveda, skin gets it’s nutrition from rasa dhathu ( blood plasma) and good skin is a reflection of good health. When all the doshas are balanced in a person, it reflects in good shining hair and skin. Imbalance of doshas causes various diseases. Poor nutrition, hot and humid climate, poor hygiene and chronic diseases may increase the risk of infections.
As per Ayurveda, folliculitis is due to pitta kapha dushti , which means a condition that occurs due to pitta and kapha doshas aggravation in the body which further vitiate the rakta dhathu. This causes inflammation of the hair follicles leading to folliculitis.
Ayurvedic treatment for folliculitis
- Abhyanga with medicated oils like chemparathyadi kera taila ,malathyadi kera taila etc
- Kashaya Dhara
- Takra Dhara
- Lepana with choornas of drugs like nimba , chandana etc
Based on the severity of folliculitis and the doshas imbalances , the Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend samana drugs like guduchyadi kashaya, nimbadi kashaya, avipathi choorna, sarivadyasava, guggulu panchapala choorna etc .
A proper balanced diet with essential nutrients based on dosha levels is crucial to maintain the bodies dosha equilibrium. Keep the body hydrated by consuming at least 2-3 L of water in a day and maintain proper hygiene. Try to avoid pitta aggravating foods like fried food ,food with excess salt , spice , and sourness. Avoid consuming stale food and overeating.