Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower part of the anus and rectum. When the walls of these vessels are stretched, they become irritated. Although hemorrhoids can be unpleasant and painful, they are easily treated and very preventable. As hemorrhoids generally get worse over time, so they should be treated as soon as they appear.
Approximately 50 percent of those people aged 50 years and over will require treatment. However, it is striking that only around 4 percent actually seek medical treatment.
1. Internal hemorrhoids:
Internal hemorrhoids are deep inside the rectum and not visible from the outside. They are generally painless. Often, the first sign that internal hemorrhoids are present is rectal bleeding.
Straining can sometimes push internal hemorrhoid so that it protrudes through the anus, this is called a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can be painful. Depending on the chronicity of the disease and prolapse these can be;
First-degree Piles:
Many people have these without even being aware of them. These are located just inside the anus, occasionally causing some discomfort when a motion is passed. Bleeding in the form of drops sometimes as splash in toilet pan occurs during the passing of stools.
Second-degree Piles:
They usually appear as pea-sized swellings outside the anus after a bowel motion has been passed. They are usually retained inside the anus spontaneously when the strain of defecation is removed and may bleed as drops or as splash in pan (large amount of bleeding) and cause discomfort during passing stool with some degree of itching and mucous secretion.
Third-degree Piles:
The pile's masses need to be pushed inside the anus by a finger after passing stool.. Soreness and persistent irritation are the common features besides occasional bleeding as drops or as a splash.
Fourth-degree piles:
The mass remains permanently outside with severe pain.
2. External hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids are under the skin around the anus and are therefore visible. Because there are more pain-sensing nerves in this part of the body, they are normally more painful. Straining when passing a stool may cause them to bleed.
Kottakkal Ayurveda is a center for Ayurvedic massage, treatment, healing, herbal medicine, and lifestyle practices. Our team of dedicated Ayurveda practitioners, trained in the art of Ayurveda are here to support your transformation and wellbeing. Kottakkal Ayurvedic Treatment Centre is the premier provider of Ayurvedic services in Dubai (Deira, Satwa), Ajman and we’re excited to share these restorative techniques with you.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids
1. Bleeding, usually painless – the patient may notice bright red on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl
2. Itching or irritation in the anal area
3. Discomfort and pain in the anal region
4. Lumps protruding from the anal region
5. Swelling in the anal region
6. A lump near the anus, can sometimes be sensitive.
7. Feces may leak out unintentionally
Causes and risk factors for hemorrhoids
1. Pregnancy – they occur more commonly in pregnant women because, as the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge.
2. Aging – hemorrhoids are most common among adults aged 45-65. This does not mean, however, that young people and children do not get them.
3. Chronic diarrhea.
4. Chronic constipation – straining to move stool puts additional pressure on the blood vessels’ walls.
5. Sitting for long periods (especially on the toilet).
6. Standing for long periods.
7. Anal intercourse.
8. Obesity.
9. Genetics – some people inherit a tendency to develop hemorrhoids.
Diagnosing hemorrhoids
Anyone experiencing the symptoms outlined above should contact a doctor. Bear in mind that rectal bleeding can be caused by other things, including colorectal and anal cancers. It might be a mistake to assume that anal bleeding is simply the result of hemorrhoids and, because of this, decide not to see a doctor.
A doctor can carry out a physical examination and perform other tests to determine whether or not hemorrhoids are present. These tests may include a digital rectal exam – a manual inspection by the doctor using a gloved, lubricated finger.
Sometimes, the exam includes an anoscope (a small, rigid, tubular instrument).
If symptoms started with a significant alteration in bowel habits, if stools are very dark or even black, if there are blood clots or blood mixed in with the stools, it is important to see a doctor immediately.
If symptoms include large amounts of bleeding, dizziness, and a fainting sensation, the individual should seek emergency care immediately.
Preventing hemorrhoids
1. If an individual’s stools are always soft, the chance of developing hemorrhoids is greatly reduced.
2. Nutrition – eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, means stools will nearly always be soft. Similarly, drinking plenty of fluids helps keep stools soft (this does not include alcohol). OTC fiber supplements also ease constipation.
3. Straining – when using the toilet, try not to strain, this creates pressure in the veins in the lower rectum.
4. Go when needed – people should not wait if they need to use the toilet. The longer the wait, the drier the stools will be.
5. Physical activity – sitting or standing still for long periods puts pressure on the veins.
6. Keep bodyweight down – being overweight significantly raise a person’s risk of having hemorrhoids
Management of piles:
Modern medicine does offer a way to help you improve your pile's symptoms and get rid of them. However, the pile is a condition that often recurs. You have to address the root cause of the condition before you can effectively treat it for life. Medical treatment of piles can help you get rid of the pain intermittently. It will also be able to delay bleeding and bursting of the hemorrhoids. However, if you want to get rid of the condition completely, you will have to undergo surgery in which these inflamed veins are surgically removed. It is not difficult to imagine that every surgery has its own side effects and problems.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Piles:
You may also have to institute some basic lifestyle changes. A colon cleanses, once in a while, can be really helpful. Regular exercise is certainly a must. In addition to that, you must focus on having a normal and healthy sex life. Excessive or abnormal sex can also lead to aggravation of the symptoms of piles. With that, avoid sitting for long periods of time and use only soft, cushioned seats when you sit. Drink lots of water to keep your stools soft and prevent constipation.
The biggest advantage of Ayurvedic treatment of piles is that it saves you from surgery and treats your condition as well as its symptoms naturally. With Ayurveda, the perfect blend of herbal formulations helps you reduce the inflammation of hemorrhoids and the pain and bleeding associated with the condition. The best benefit of this condition is that it saves you from surgery. Ayurvedic Expert’s formulation can be used for 3 months for the treatment of both bleeding and nonbleeding piles and chronic constipation. Use it for the recommended period and you will immediately experience long-term relief from your symptoms.