Your Winter Wellness Guide: Diet & Lifestyle
As per Ayurveda, during winter, the predominant rasa and mahabhuta (taste and constitution) are bitter and akasha guna respectively. So the strength of a person becomes less and Agni (catabolism) remains in the high state. Ayurveda describes how to live healthy during the winter season.
Diet regimen to be followed
Do’s (pathya)
Ø Meat soup mixed with fat
Ø Food having sour as predominant taste
Ø Cereals, pulses, wheat/gram, flour products, new rice, corn are advised
Ø Ginger, garlic, haritaki, pippali
Ø Sugarcane products, milk, and milk products.
Ø Vitamin D suppliments like salmon, tuna, cod liver oil, oyster, mushroom, soya products are to be included in your diet.
Don’t (Apathya)
Ø Avoid food having pungent, bitter (tikta), and kashaya (astringent) predominant taste.
Ø Underfeeding should be avoided
Ø Light and cold food are to be avoided
Ø Avoid excessive walking and sleep at late night.
Kottakkal Ayurveda is a center for Ayurvedic massage, treatment, healing, herbal medicine, and lifestyle practices. Our team of dedicated Ayurveda practitioners, trained in the art of Ayurveda are here to support your transformation and wellbeing. Kottakkal Ayurvedic Treatment Centre is the premier provider of Ayurvedic services in Dubai (Deira, Satwa), Ajman and we’re excited to share these restorative techniques with you.
Life style
Ø Abhyangam (Oil massage on the body) and bathing with lukewarm water relieves dry skin, relax muscles and relieve pain.
Ø Udwartanam (Application of powder instead of oil and rubbing against hair follicle)
Ø Lepanam ( Application of paste prepared out of hot potent ayurvedic herbs) on the affected part of the body.
Ø Shiro abhyanga ( head massage) to avoid dry scalp, dandruff, worsening of migraine, etc which are quite common during winter.
Ø Sudation process ( swedanam ) like steambath, leaf bag massage, powder bag massage to relieve cold, pain, stiffness in the body
These are the common regimen to be followed during the winter season. This can vary according to individual/patient conditions.